Monday, November 1, 2010

Wake County Journal

I'm Michelle Harrell (n2art). I happily volunteered to facilitate the Wake County Journal and had several folks sign up at the Region 3 meeting at the NCAEA conference. Here is who already signed up to have it 2-4 weeks between now and November 2011:
  • November: Kate Mabe for the Meredith College Senior Exhibition (Reception 11/14 2pm)
  • December: Jeannette Stevenson at Sanderson High School for Holly Days 12/4-5
  • January: Lisa Peszko at Zebulon GT Magnet Middle
  • February: Elizabeth Rawls at Carnage GT Magnet Middle in Raleigh
  • July: Jennifer Tatum at Endeavor Charter School
  • September: Elyse Collins at Ligon GT Magnet Middle in Raleigh
  • October: Melissa Poppe at Green Hope High School
I would love to have a few more groups for the months that do not have someone as well as some Wake County teachers (art or other subject area) that would like to do a poem, written reflection, drawing, or collage about their experiences at NCCAT. You can contact me as the official Wake County guardian at or with Jodi Aker from SRMHS who will be our Wake County contact within the school system. We want to encourage private schools, local artists, art centers, colleges, and others to participate so feel free to invite others to play in it. We just need to know who is responsible for it at times so all this wonderful work isn't lost. I look forward to seeing this evolve!

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